Want to schedule a DXA (DEXA) scan? See prices below.
Call: 1.502.515.5672 or email: yourbodygoal@lmarc.com
DXA (DEXA) Scan in Louisville Kentucky
(percent body fat, muscle mass, bone strength)
"Your Body Goal" is one of the few centers in Louisville Kentucky (KY) that offers the "gold standard" DXA body scan. DXA (also known as dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry or DEXA) accurately measures percent body fat and body composition in men and women. Other DXA facilities may perform DXA only for bone mineral density. Other DXA facilities that measure percent body fat do not measure android and visceral fat. We offer research-grade DXA for percent body fat, android fat, and visceral fat, and also assess your metabolism, muscle mass, as well as your bone strength. In fact, some have driven hours just to get the unique and specific services we offer in Louisville KY.
Knowing the health of your metabolism, muscle, fat, and bone can help you improve your body health, and help you achieve your body goal.
The DXA scan is different from other measures of body composition. Our DXA scan is a relatively inexpensive, safe, quick, painless, and non-invasive diagnostic procedure. It does not involve needles or injections. Your body will not be confined or enclosed. Your face will not be covered. You will not be submerged under water. You will not need to remove your clothing. You will not be pinched.
However, you will receive a detailed report of your body composition. You will receive a detailed report about the amount and location of your muscle and fat. And you will receive an assessment of your bone strength.
Click here to see examples of DXA (DEXA) reports you will receive
Weight on a scale is often not enough. If your body weight is increased, then some of this weight increase may be due to muscle. How can you know? Get a DXA. If you are not overweight, then you still may have a high percent of body fat. How can you know? Get a DXA.
If your scale may not be accurate in measuring the composition of your body, then how can you rely on your scale to achieve your body goal? A DXA scan can help you know where you are today. A DXA scan can also help you track your future body metabolism, fat, and muscle progress during changes in nutrition (diet) and physical activity (exercise).
Have you recently undergone weight loss due to improved nutrition (diet) or bariatric surgery? How much of your weight loss was due to loss of fat? How much of your weight loss was due to loss of muscle? Did your weight loss or bariatric surgery affect your bones? How can you know? Get a DXA.
Other ways to measure body fat may use calculations to estimate your body composition (i.e., muscle and fat). These calculations often compare you to an average population. But you are not an average population. You are a person. You are an individual. A DXA scan measures your body compartments, which are unique to you. That is why the percent body fat measured by DXA can be lower, or sometimes over 10% higher compared to other percent body fat methods.
In short, DXA provides you an accurate measure of the percent of your body fat, and the amount of your android fat (fat in the belly region) and visceral fat (fat surrounding your intestines). This is important because when fat collects in android and visceral fat depots, then this is more associated with an increased risk for metabolic diseases and heart disease.
DXA also measures the amount and location of your lean tissue (e.g., muscle). Additionally, after the DXA scan, we will give you a report with detailed pictures, graphs, and tables. We will provide you educational handouts that can help you formulate a more informed plan to achieve your body goal. Finally, our DXA technology provides bone mineral density in terms of g/cm2, as well provides your bone T-score and Z-score.

If you are serious about fitness, then you already know about the unique benefits of DXA diagnostic technology. National fitness trainer experts often refer their clients for DXA scans. Maybe that is why you are here now. We commonly perform initial and follow-up DXA scans in athletes before and after training. A DXA scan is a "high tech" way to determine your body's response to nutrition, physical activity, sports, and exercise training. If you are just starting a new training program, or if you have already undergone serious training, then periodic DXA scans can help you monitor your progress by precisely measuring your muscle, fat, and bone. DXA takes the guess-work out of what is happening to your body. That is why so many of our athletes and bodybuilders find DXA scans critical for any well-structured training program.
Are you in training for bodybuilding or physique competition? DXA can help. How symmetric are your muscle proportions? DXA can help. Are you gaining or losing weight, or keeping the same weight, and don't know how your training is affecting your body? DXA can help. Are you a woman worried about your bones, because training caused you to miss menstrual periods? Are you a man worried about your muscles (and bones), because of the lack of training due to an injury? DXA can help.
Are you looking for the perfect gift for someone passionately engaged in advanced fitness, or someone just starting a fitness program? A DXA gift card can definitely help.
You have worked hard. You have invested much. It is only logical you would seek DXA technology as the "gold standard" to answer your questions about how training (or lack of training) has affected your body. Our detailed DXA report provides individualized information unique to you. Our DXA reports also often spark interactive discussions among your fellow athletes, who have also had their own DXA scans. In short, whether you are training for improved aesthetics ("looks"), and/or training to improve your health (i.e., obtain a healthy percent of total, android, and visceral body fat), DXA scan technology can safely, and accurately assess your body composition.
DXA provides you the information you need to know to help achieve your body goal!

Individual DXA / DEXA Body Composition Prices (A La Carte)
(Prices subject to change)

DXA Louisville : Call: 1.502.515.5672 / DEXA Louisville : Call 1.502.515.5672 / email: yourbodygoal@lmarc.com
(Contact us for a DXA gift card. Best. Gift. Ever.)
DXA / DEXA Package Deals
(Prices subject to change)